
Download army worms 2022
Download army worms 2022

To address possible endogeneity associated with reporting, I use the average prevalence of FAW presence or intensity at the camp level as an instrument for farm FAW exposure. This study quantifies the impact of FAW on Zambian maize yields while controlling for household fixed effects and year fixed effects on a national panel dataset covering 1,200 farmers over three years (2015/16, 2016//18 agricultural seasons). Studies that have attempted to measure the impact of FAW in Africa have generally found large effects.However, most these studies are constrained by using farmer perceptions and recall data, or estimate the losses using cross sectional data, raising concerns of endogeneity, since the environmental conditions conducive for maize production are also conducive for FAW infestations. Their exact impact on maize yields is unclear, with a wide discrepancy in the existing estimates which suffer from potential endogeneity in self-reporting,measurement error and the lack of a standardized methodology. Intensities Abstract Fall armyworm (FAW) is a voracious pest, which has ravaged maize yields in Sub-Saharan Africa since they were first reported in 2016.

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Degree Level Thesis Keyword(s) Fall amyworms

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Title Quantifying the effect of fall armyworms on maize yields in a resource constrained economy: A case study in Zambia Author(s) Hadunka, Protensia Issue Date Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis) Baylis, Kathy Committee Member(s)ĭepartment of Study Agr & Consumer Economics Discipline Agricultural & Applied Econ Degree Granting Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Degree Name M.S.

Download army worms 2022